About KPSN
The Kent Public Service Network is a regional PSN providing high quality connectivity to all areas of Kent and Medway.
What is the Kent Public Service Network?
It is a not-for-profit Partnership governed by 30+ Partner organisations including Kent County Council, Medway Council as well as numerous Borough and District Councils, and health organisations across Kent.
These organisations connect their sites through secure private infrastructure which facilitates: connectivity over a geographically wide area, co-location with Partner agencies using separate private networks and flexibility which is scalable to suit your business needs.
This enables shared service delivery through a complete infrastructure that is compliant with central government standards and supports collaborative projects across the Partnership at a reduced cost through aggregation over shared infrastructure.
KPSN has increased ICT capacity, resilience and security to deliver faster, more accessible, and better public services to Partners, overcoming technological barriers through collaboration.
KPSN has been instrumental in reducing network complexity within the region to combine into a single entity; minimising costs and facilitating shared and collaborative services. We also support the One Public Estate (OPE) initiative, successfully enabling the consolidation of connections into multi-agency buildings, reducing costs for Partners and enabling wider shared services.
Our network
Our history
KPSN was created in 2008 and was built on the existing schools KCN network, since then it has evolved significantly, both in terms of services offered and the scope of the Partnership.
It has grown from five public sector organisations supporting 900+ sites, to around thirty Partners with over 1,500 connected sites across the region. Whilst Covid-19 has had an impact on remote working and office closures, we expect the number of sites to increase over the coming year , in fact during the first few months of the pandemic KPSN renewed its Pulse remote access platform to increase its capacity and at the peak was seeing over 3000 users a day (with capacity for over double).
The Partnership has been successful in developing and promoting the use of shared secure aggregated services. KPSN is one of the first UK public sector Partnerships to aggregate connections into GCSx/GSi (now called the Public Services Network or PSN).
How we are structured
The Kent Public Service Network is a not-for-profit Partnership governed by an Executive Board and managed locally by representatives from our Partner organisations. Whilst we are part of Kent County Council (the contract owner and a Partner of KPSN), the Partnership is a self-funded enterprise.
The KPSN Executive Board provides oversight of procurement and accountability for the Partners. The Board is made up of representatives of each sector (Local Authorities, Health, Education, Blue Light Services etc), and a representative from the Contract owner Kent County Council.
Chaired by a nominated representative, the KPSN Management Board provides vision and strategy to the Partnership. All Partners are invited to have representation on the Management Board and attend our Technical Design Workshops and regular Technical Events.
Types of membership
We offer two different types of contracts – Primary Partner and Affiliate Partner.
If you join as a Primary Partner, you will be entitled to representation on the Management Board and the ability to vote on future motions. Affiliate Partners will have access to open meeting sessions (for example Technical and Product meetings), papers, and services but will not be entitled to vote.
Your Partner status will not affect the services you receive; it depends on what level of involvement you choose. We currently have 22 Primary Partners and 8 Affiliates.
Please contact us if you are thinking of joining KPSN and would like more information on our structure, governance, or the different types of Partners.
Why choose KPSN
- Excellent coverage across the county
- A single infrastructure connecting organisations in Kent and Medway
- Direct connections to central government services such as PSN, HSCN and Jisc
- Efficiency savings for your organisation
- Enables flexible, remote, and mobile multi-agency working
- 99.99% network availability
- Excellent customer service
- 24/7/365 monitoring
- Centralised firewalls and email filtering services
- Compliant with government security standards for personal and sensitive data
- Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) provides separate and secure virtual networks
- Choice of service levels
- Economies of scale through Partnership collaboration
- Greater capacity, reliability, and functionality, than many lower quality broadband providers
Meet the team
Stuart Cockett MBCS
Head of KPSN

Daniel Medley MCIPS
Commercial Contracts Officer

Hayley Plumb AATQB
Senior Finance Officer

Natalie Hancock
Technical Projects Officer

Chris Carlisle
Business Development & Portfolio Officer